
Jessica Shipman - About Me


Are you looking to make your blog or website bigger and better, but a little intimidated by all the necessary tech?

Are you ready to learn a bit of code, so you can start customizing (and fixing) your own blog?

Are you just overwhelmed by all the tool options out there and want some recommendations from someone trustworthy and experienced?

If you said yes to any of those, then you are in the right place!

Hi I’m Jessica!

I’m a web developer, software engineer, dog mom, pet blogger, and llama fanatic. I dove head first into web technologies when I taught myself HTML and CSS at age 12. Then I went on to graduate from Cornell University (Go Big Red!) in 2012 with a B.S. in Information Science, Systems, and Technology. That’s a mouthful, I know… so I like to describe it as Computer Science with an emphasis on User Experience and Interface Design and a touch of Communications.

After graduating, I took a job as a software engineer at a leading digital media measurement and analytics company where I built custom web tools and production websites for 4 years until I was finally ready to launch JessicaShipman.com.

Then in March 2013, I started a pet blog, Beagles & Bargains, to document my experience adopting my first dog Luna. Now a few years later, I’m the proud dog mom to not one, but two beautiful rescue dogs (Say hi to Ralph) and Beagles & Bargains has grown from a personal blog to a source of income and part of my business.

When it comes to Beagles & Bargains, I wear many hats – writer, photographer, social media expert, business owner, and of course one of my favorites – web developer. My personal experience and strong technical background set me up to learn the ins and outs of WordPress along with what is needed to host a successful website. Now I’m ready to pass this on to you!

My goal is to help bloggers and small business owners like you feel more comfortable around web technologies and give you the resources to tackle difficult and tediuos tech problems. I’m here to empower you!

I also understand that learning code isn’t everyone’s forte, so I’m also here as a resource to tackle the technical problems for you and get your blog or website where you want it to be.

Want to learn more? Be sure to sign up for my newsletter for monthly FREE tips on maintaining your WordPress blog and online presence. Plus be the first to learn about service offers and new e-courses!